Here's links to original pen & ink drawings created for the Midnight Dread radio show by Deeling Gregory
for the lead art located on the masthead of freely distributed MD playlists in the 1980's. Art has been her
driving force for over twenty years. Free lance work in animation, printmaking and quiltmaking
has augmented her creative growth, while painting remains her primary focus.
The human figure is often the principal subject of her work.

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Sun latitudes, sonorous gems
The light flickers, shadows dart
Leafy imps and pungent fruit
Dolorous blooms
The tinkling of jade
Teardrops rippling
Crashing waves
Still water
A child smiles

I was born in l949 in Honolulu, Hawaii, which accounts for the curious reality that when I might appear to be sitting on a settee or walking down a supermarket aisle in the Northwest I am really and truly backfloating in the ocean at Waikiki or climbing a banyon tree or hiking by a stream in Manoa Valley---all as a child of about ten or eleven years old. My childhood was indeed magical , and I thought and still think that all children had similar charmed lives; all children had wonderful intelligent and creative parents and siblings and were treated with dignity and respect and a whole lot of love. At the age of seventeen I left home for college at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, where I proceeded to study all the academic subjects that the daughter of the chairman of the mathematics department at the University of Hawaii might be expected to study. My sister convinced me to take some art history courses and a figurative drawing class with her, and together with study abroad and exposure to the great art in museums and churches in Europe I was swept away. After graduation I headed north to the San Francisco Art Institute, where I mostly drew from the figure and painted on my own. I lived there for thirty years, walking the hills, enjoying the incredible views and utterly fascinated by the everchanging panoply of faces and cultures. So you must excuse me if I seem distant---I may be off in Hawaii or San Francisco, or I might be painting a watercolor, in a sunlit place, with the pure heart and spirit of a child.

Deeling Gregory, Fall l999

Deeling's wonder-filled website of amazing art:

Original artwork created by Ms. Deeling Catherine-Rose Gregory for the Midnight Dread playlists:

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